

Covid-19 vaccineYouthVaccineHealth Check


Covid-19 vaccine information

May 20, 2021 at 10:38 AM

Information about Covid-19 vaccination

Kia Ora whanau, at this stage covid vaccine is underway for high-risk Frontline health workers (Group 2). People categorized in group 3 should expect an invitation from your local Distric Health Board from late May.

 Group 3 includes people who fall within one or more of the following groups:

  • people aged 65 or older
  • disabled people
  • pregnant people (any trimester)
  • people living in custodial settings. E.g., people in prison
  • have a relevant underlying health condition

    Underlying health conditions

    At this stage, underlying health conditions include:

  • serious and chronic respiratory conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • chronic kidney/renal disease
  • diabetes
  • coronary heart conditions
  • stroke
  • hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • cancer, excluding basal and squamous skin cancers if not invasive.

COVID-19 vaccine appointment line

       Phone 0800 28 29 26

    This line is for:

  • people in the eligible group who haven’t received an invite
  • rescheduling an existing COVID-19 vaccination appointment time, location or date.
  • people to enquire if they have had a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine but have not received an appointment for the second dose.
  • people who have had a reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine and want to know if they can have the second dose.

Below are the vaccination centres in West Auckland. We will update the list once more centres are added.

Tags: Covid-19 vaccine

714 Swanson Rd, Swanson, Auckland 0612

09 833 9433

09 832 1206